Introducing Creating Space
Exploring the intersection of spaceflight history, pop culture, and art.
Exploring the intersection of spaceflight history, pop culture, and art.
What is Creating Space?
Are you a fan of space art and artists?
Do you geek out about spaceflight and space exploration?
Do you love collecting toys, models, and children’s books about space?
Is your house full of things that celebrate space history and pop culture? Do you wish it was?
Then this is the space for you.
Creating Space is about the space art that I create and the spacey things that inspire, delight, amuse and bemuse me. I explore the intersection of space history, pop culture, and art.
If you are a Space Geek like me, who has an interest in art, books, and collectibles relating to spaceflight history and space exploration, I believe you will find enjoyment in Creating Space.
I will be sharing space artwork created by me as well as that of other artists that inspire me. I’ve had a few pieces of art flown in space and I will share the stories behind them.
You’ll be kept informed about art shows and events I participate in. You’ll get sneak peeks at works in progress, and be given revealing peeks behind the scenes to learn how I create my space art.
I am the curator of an extensive collection of space art, space books, contractor models, model kits, toys and games. There are dozens of interesting objects on exhibit. As my collection continues to grow over time, I will share my latest acquisitions and tell you about some of the items on my wish list.
I will share commentary on artwork from the early days of the space age to the present when artists didn’t quite get things right. There will be examples of cloudless Earths, inconsistent lighting, mangled lunar modules, and misrepresented space shuttles. There may also be a hidden message or two revealed in some works of space art.
Who am I?
I’m Dave Ginsberg, the artist behind Pixel Planet Pictures.
I am an artist and a creative engineer with a love for teaching and passions for spaceflight, astronomy, and science.
My art draws inspiration from artists and illustrators from the early days of spaceflight.
My home is decorated with space art from some of the artists that have given me so much joy and inspiration.
Some of my proudest artistic accomplishments include having my solar system mural featured at Seattle’s Museum of Flight, designing the insignia for collectSPACE, and having three of my creations make trips to Earth orbit and back.

My artwork has been displayed at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, Seattle’s Museum of Flight, the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., Spacefest in Tucson, Arizona, The Art of Planetary Science exhibitions at the University of Arizona, the ASF Space Rendezvous in Houston, Texas, and the Digital Arts Festival in Redmond, Washington. My 16-foot tall solar system mural was on permanent display at Seattle’s Museum of Flight from 2007 to 2017.
My space-inspired art portfolio can be found at You can also follow me on Instagram @pixelplanetpics.
Do you know fellow Space Geeks who might enjoy Creating Space? Invite them into this space, too!
I like to learn about my readers and their interests. Feel free to leave a comment introducing yourself. Share what you like about space, space art, and a favorite item in your collection.
Welcome to Creating Space! Thanks for joining me in this space.
I like to know about my readers and their interests. Feel free to leave a comment introducing yourself. Share what you like about space, space art, and a favorite item in your collection.